Building Flexibility Strength and Balance for Active Living
Why Pilates
Many people are amazed at the difference Pilates makes

Pilates is based on a set of principles that exercise the whole body through a range of mat-based exercises. Great for improving movement and wellbeing, and suitable for all ages and abilities.
Pilates is accessible to everyone and you'll be able work at a level that suits you, whether,
you're already very active and wanting to complement your regular workouts
you've not exercised for some time & want to focus on improving balance & flexibility
you're recovering from joint pain, joint replacement surgery or cancer treatment
or dealing with a long term condition like MS, Parkinson's, a stroke, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis​
Each exercise can be modified to increase or reduce the level of difficulty, as required.
Pilates involves the co-ordination of deep postural and stability muscles – combined with breathing, arm and leg movements, postural alignment and flexibility. Scientific research shows Pilates can reduce pain and improve physical function, movement and wellbeing. A measure of Pilates effectiveness is that medical professionals routinely recommend Pilates to manage back pain and joint issues.
Pilates is also equally valuable for injury prevention, ensuring that your body is strong & balanced to allow you to be your best whether a serious sports person or a keen gardener.
Clinical Pilates has taken the classical Pilates principles and adjusted these based on current physiotherapy knowledge. Clinical Pilates doesn't necessarily mean basic or easy, it allows the adaption of exercises to suit every individual.
If you are strong and active, Pilates will be able to provide a suitable level of challenge. Once you have mastered the basics, Pilates can be progressed to a challenging level.
We regularly use additional props such as bands, balls, circles and weights to increase the intensity of an exercise. ​
Equally, if you are unable to get up and down off the floor easily, there are ways we can make this easier.
Pilates is not just for women, men are increasingly taking Pilates classes as they experience the benefits. My classes are mixed and many men come to my classes either on their own or with their partners.
I'm committed to ensuring you feel comfortable working at a level of exercise that gets you moving with confidence and control.
Get in touch and we can discuss which class would suit you.