Building Flexibility Strength and Balance for Active Living
Group Pilates Classes
A wide range of Pilates classes at different levels in Macclesfield and Sutton
Improving strength, flexibility and balance

My classes focus on a whole body work-out, including strength, flexibility and balance elements with a strong focus on modern clinical Pilates. I'm committed to working with you to get you the results you want.
I have a range of different classes to suit different capabilities and aspirations See my timetable I regularily review your progress and may suggest you change to a different class that may suit you better.
Class sizes are small, which allows me to take the time to work on your individual issues and provide extra coaching as needed. And I often adapt my routines during class to incorporate exercises needed by individuals on the day.
The different levels vary in pace, level of challenge and increasing precision of Pilates method. Read more
Pilates classes are held in central Macclesfield at the Methodist Church and in the lovely village of Sutton on the way to Macclesfield Forest. Both venues are warm, bright & airy and have ample parking close by Read more
When you make an enquiry, I'll take the time to get to know your requirements, including any health conditions or concerns and your level of fitness so I can recommend the best class for you. This means you'll be in a class with people of similar level and I'll have a good understanding of your personal needs. Find out more
My classes run in monthly blocks & you have a space booked on the same class every week. However, if life gets in the way you have the flexibility to switch to another class if needed.